KORTOWO_play tenis & be active

We honor the Multisport Card

The service is active for MultiSport Plus, MultiSport Plus Kids, MULTISPORT Senior card holders. It authori-zes the holder to use the earth TENIS service for 60 minutes on a one-off basis. In accordance with the BenefitSystem Regulations, the service can … see full text ▶

Tennis talent

On Sunday, September 9th, children can take part in fitness tests and receive a scholarship funded by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism as part of a tennis promotion programme run by the Polish Tennis Associa-tion. We invite all children … see full text ▶

Renovation of tennis courts

Preparations for the winter season during the course. Out of concern for the comfort of our club members’ play, by the sweat of our forehead we kick, add, roll, beat, level… and wait for the courts to recover, that is … see full text ▶
